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Re: Genetic Engineering

>From: Eric <eadler@rain.org>
>To: "General  Conference" <general@lists.holisticmanagement.org>

>    I believe I understand your point.  It is that the people using this 
>technology are primarily monocropping.  Is this correct?

Let me give you some quotes from " The New Nutrition" by Dr. Michael Colgan 
Director of the Colgan Institute of Nutritional Science in San Diego.

"By the 1960's in order to compete in the food market, almost all North 
American farms had become dependant on NPK products. Mixtures of NPK provide 
three of the main minerals esential for plant health and they grow fine 
looking crops with abundant yield, but your body is not a vegetable. It 
needs more than nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous."
Insects attack crops deficient in trace elements so today 2.6 billion pounds
of Insecticide is spread every year on American soil.
General info from my SOMA newsletters. Vic

Human ailments associated with soil deficiencies are legion, and would 
decimate our medical profession if our food didn't have any deficiencies, 
or wasn't loaded with chemicals. We know that allergies from things like
almond genes spliced into tomato's have caused a death in New York. 

The patron of SOMA an orthomolecular Psychiatrist Dr. Chris Reading Bsc, 
Dip. Ag.Sci, M.B., B.S., F.R.A.N.Z.C.P. Has just been recognised by the 
AMA in Australia. Curing such things as Scizophrenia, without drugs.
The relationship between violence and mineral inbalance has now been 
documented in over 8,000 cases. Including 1500 of the most violent men in 
AMERICAN jails. The profile of 80% have high copper to zinc ratio etc. are 
high in lead and cadmium.
The relationship between behaviour and deficiency's (inbalance) is so
distinct, that if you tell Dr. Walsh about the behaviour he will tell you
what the inbalance etc will be and what the treatment is. I have 4 distinct
types of behaviour disorders/mineral inbalances documented here. 

This is also a complaint about human intervention into plant breeding, that
the marketing of the food is the main criteria not the quality.

I know Food is bred for shelf life when it's real nutrient value is dropping
alarmingly for every hour extended from picking to eating.

Food storage and manufacture are also points in the deteriorating quality of
what we eat.

I hope to have some urls for you if you want them. Search under Soma, or
orthomolecular medicine. e-mail centre@orthomed.org

 I would be delighted to share all aspects of the mineral cycle with anyone
If you know of Dr. William Walsh and his work please help by getting a 
contact address for me.

>>me enormously.  I too share Rio's "eery internal disturbance", and I think
>>Dick Richardson (Tx) has been right on the button.
>>I come at this from a very simple perspective - go back to the fundamental
>>definition of biodiversity from the Earth Summit in 1992 ie
>>        Diversity of species in the environment
I'm sure that we could all go on at length about this subject, but I reckon
>>its that simple, in the end.
>>Bruce Ward
>Eric and Lauren Adler
>515 West Alamar
>Santa Barbara, CA 93105
>(805) 563-1944

Victor Guest   V.G.Guest                       Perth, Western Australia
victor.guest@eepo.com.au                 1 Annato Street Greenwood 6024 
                ----: Sustainable Agriculture :----   Tel. (09) 2464674
--: The Land Management Society & The Permaculture Association:---
          -----: Men Of The Trees, Holistic Management :------
       ------: Revaluation Co-Counseling Landmark Education:------
                -----: AAEE  and Greenteach :-----
   http://www.cowan.edu.au/~paustin/ipc6 for the proceedings of the 
               Permaculture Convergence on line