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Received: from Permacltur@aol.com
	Dan and Cynthia Hemenway, editors of The International Permaculture Solutions
Journal, will lead an intensive 10-day permaculture design workshop Aug. 6-15,
1999, near Alleghany, in Northern California.
	The initial weekend is a stand-alone workshop where participants produce a
rough draft permaculture design.  Starting Monday, participants flesh out and
refine their design, delivering a report to the residents the following
Saturday.  Instruction during the week is confined to topics needed to produce
this specific design. The design will integrate human activity with the
contour, soil, solar energy, and water flows of the site to provide water,
food, shelter, energy, and other patterns supportive of the residents.
Creating a joyous and enjoyable setting is central to the design goals. Sunday
afternoon, Dan will conclude the workshop with a clinic to discuss
permaculture-related problems that participants bring from their own
situations. Participants can register for the full workshop or just the
initial weekend. There is a limit on enrollment.  
	The workshop is designed to meet the needs of a variety of participants
including:  people wishing to learn to design their own homes; people seeking
strong preparation for the certificate Permaculture Design Course, certified
permaclturists seeking advanced work, and present or future students of the
Online Permaculture Design Course who will use the workshop to meet their
design project requirement.
	Child care can be arranged with advance notice. Send SASE for a complete
flyer.  Inquire also if you wish to host permaculture or forest workshops in
your area. Limited scholarships for Native Americans, women, minorities, and
others are available.
	For  details about the workshop fee, scholarships, housing, meals and similar
matters, contact Birdsong Sundstrom, Forest City, via Alleghany CA 95910.
	To arrange for advanced work or online course credit, or to book another
workshop, contact:
Elfin Permaculture, P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192-0052 USA.