
Institute for bioregional studies


Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: Institute for bioregional studies



Bioregionalism, is an attempt to understand the interdependencies of people and the environment so that society can become more conscious of its heritage and the particular regions that sustains us. The "bioregional" perspective means that our focus is on the design and evolution of healthy, interdependent and self-reliant communities. Today we can not just, "Think Globally and Act Locally". We also need to, "Think Long Term and Act Now". Therefore, IBS was founded to demonstrate the recent, ecologically oriented, scientific, social and technological achievements that are relevant to achieving the goal of an ecological society.

Resources on bioregionalism

This summer learn practical skills and knowledge
to design and implement sustainable systems
that are in harmony with the natural world.

Come discover the natural magic of Prince Edward Island; truly one of the world's great islands. During the summer, harbour seals can be viewed in numerous inlets. On land, hiking trails offer panoramic views and there are over 315 species of birds to watch. The beaches are clean and the water is warm. Tune into the spirit of community, celebrated often through festivals and events across the island.
Surrounded by this idyllic setting, IBS offers living and learning experiences that will influence your personal development for a lifetime.

Permaculture Design Course

August 4-17, 1996
(at the Spry Point Ark, formerly the New Alchemy Institute)

Permaculture is about self-reliance, growing food, and building energy-efficient structures. The PDC teaches the principles by which sustainable systems become responsive to economic, social and environmental elements. Graduates will be certified as 'Permaculture Designers' and will be entitled to use the term in the pursuit of livelihood.

Permaculture Instructors:

Dr. John Todd and Nancy Jack Todd, Monica Kuhn, Phil Ferraro, Garry Lean, Dr. Dan Earle and others.

Permaculture course program

Eco-Cities Design Colloquia:

Building Sustainable Communities
August 18-21, 1996
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

The Challenge

Cities have become global environmental parasites; processing food, fuel, energy and consuming resources well beyond their boundaries. In the 21st century, cities must function in very different ways or they will undermine their own survival and that of their inhabitants.

Action Plan

An outstanding group of internationally known facilitators will work with participants to develop a model eco-city along the Charlotetown waterfront. The new plans will budget our resources, conserve energy, utilize renewable energy technologies, build long lasting structures, develop efficient public transportation, reduce and recycle wastes and supply staple foods locally.

Eco-Cities Design Colloquia Program

Affordable Housing/Straw-bale

Construction Workshop
August 23-25, 1996

This hands-on workshop will explain the mechanics of building with straw-bales and designing a home for energy efficiency.

Construction Workshop

Registration Form





Programs I plan to attend:


(Phone: 1 800 665-2400 or (902) 583-2400) and reserved a room for the PDC.
Rooms are payable to The Spry Point Ark Inn at time of arrival.
A deposit may be required.

For More Information contact:

Institute for Bioregional Studies
449, University Avenue, Suite 126
Charlottetown, PE, CANADA C1A 8K3
Phone: (902) 892-9578
(Send $2 for a hard copy brochure)

"Developing Local Solutions to Global Problems"

Permaculture course| Eco-cities Colloquia| Construction Workshop| Resources/Books| Eco-preneuring

Institute for Bioretional Studies: http://www.cycor.ca/IBS/

Phil Ferraro; pferraro@cycor.ca
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