
TH. Tree growers

I am the President of an organization called Forest ReLeaf of Greater 
St. Louis (soon to be Forest ReLeaf of Missouri). One of our functions 
is selling trees at our cost to plant on public property.Each spring 
and fall we sell 1500 to 2000 trees. Starting this year we are going to 
take the organization state wide.If you know of any large growers of 
trees in the mid-west area who would be interested in working with us 
please contact me or have the grower contact me at (314)524-7305 or on 
the internet at tedall@ix.netcom.com. We are looking for trees 1/2 to 2 
inch caliper or 5 t0 25 gallon container grown trees.We think we will 
need approximately 5000 to 6000 trees each spring and fall.
                                                      Ted Allison