
Re: TH: Hands across the water ...


I love it! What a great topic. (What is the technical name for "the history
of plant migration"?)

Pangaea (Pangeae?) is the name given to the 'supercontinent', when all the
land was one.

On Sunday I went to a bird sanctuary & saw a great poster which showed
migration routes in North America. I bring this up because, no doubt, the
things that flieth (birds & insects) must have played a part in this story.
(ie birds often fly to NA's PNW coast from Asia, although they may not make
it back nor breed here. However, they could 'sh.. in the woods' and
introduce even a small bit of asian genetics.....)

Although the history of human migration is not yet precise (ie a number of
major differences, including Christian & other Creation stories), it is
believed by some that humans only left Africa on a permanent basis about
180,000 to 200,000 years ago. Quite recent, really.

Kevin McLaughlin
Kitsilano, B.C.
"....DNA is digital, built on a base 4 number system?...."

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This isn't going to be as well thought-out as I would have liked,
> but I just read some off-list correspondence from Rob in the UK
> which reminded me of this old question.
> When the Europeans first colonized the Americas (according to
> history), some 500 years ago or so, they quickly discovered (ahem)
> that they and the Native American Peoples / the Indians were all
> varieties of the same species, that they were in fact closely
> related on evolutionary time.  But what about the other fauna &
> flora?  Our American Beech tree closely resembles its beautiful
> European cousin, and the widely-planted 'London Plane Tree' is
> a cross between UK and US Sycamores.  The birds migrate North &
> South, but the greater aquatic mammals have probably migrated the
> oceans for millenia.  Are there same-species trees native to both
> continents, and how come -- do they have more sophisticated modes
> of transport, or maybe do they 'evolve' more slowly (like sharks?)
> Apologies for bringing up such complicated issues in such a sloppy
> posting.  Your thoughts will be much appreciated ...
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> Richard Tryzno Ellsberry | [http://flora.com] | Baltimore / USDA Zone 7
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