
TH: Monthly FloraList Reminder ...

 Dear Tree-House -

 What follows is a draft zero of an info file for our
 discussion lists.  It obviously needs some work and
 any constructive feedback will be appreciated.  Richard@Flora.Com ...
 This is the info file for the Tree-House and Bird-House
 Discussion Lists, plus their merged archive edition,
 the Bird-Tree-Digest.  Anyone can freely subscribe to
 any of these 3 eco-friendly Majordomo email forums.
How To Enlist:
 To subscribe onto or unsubscribe off of the lists,
 email to our server one or more requests like these ...
To: Majordomo@Majordomo.Flora.Com
 subscribe bird-tree-digest
 unsubscribe tree-house
 (un)subscribe bird-house
Note that subscription requests should be emailed from
 your regular account (not from your colleague's, which
 will not be recognized by our Majordomo server as yours).
 This is also true when submitting a message to the list.
How To 'Post' Your Message To The List:
 Address your message to either of the following:

 Community Forestry <Tree-House@List.Flora.Com>
 Backyard Birding & Wildlife <Bird-House@List.Flora.Com>
Note that an address for sending postings to is NOT the same
 as the one for requesting subscribes.  Also, our automated
 list-server will prepend a 'TH:' onto the subject line of
 Tree-House mail, while Bird-House mail will be stamped with
 a 'BH:' -- this helps you quickly identify message origins.
Visit our WWW-site at:  http://flora.com
Your feedback also Welcome!  Address correspondence to:
Richard@Flora.Com  (FloraList Operator)
This may be freely circulated to interested colleagues.