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Lux Intentional Communities Page


 Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens
 mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu - mailto:llondon@bellsouth.net
Title: Lux Intentional Communities Page

Lux Intentional Communities Page

Vermont Intentional Community Project - Intentional Community Links - Threaded Alternative Energy Discussions
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Welcome! This site strives to provide Intentional Community resources, and to serve as a home base for our Vermont intentional community project.

We're looking for collaborators in planning and building an intentional community in southeast Vermont, as well as people just interested in discussing egalitarian, non-religious, and open-minded intentional communities. In the interest of growing that community, I've put together a brief description of what we intend to do, have gathered a list of community-related links, and attempt to explain what the whole Intentional Community thing is about.

Following are some of my own answers to some basic questions about intentional community. I'd welcome suggestions for other questions to answer or comments on these questions: just e-mail me.

New on 9/5/97: Threaded sustainability and alternative energy discussions, courtesy of Jeff Owens

What is an intentional community?

An intentional community is a place where a group of people live, in which some social and/or economic planning has been done so that the way of life in the community has certain characteristics which are important to the community members. For instance, the community might have a closely-knit social structure, and/or might support a lifestyle that is extremely environmentally friendly; the community might be formed of people of a particular religion or political philosophy. In sum, an intentional community is a way to foster a lifestyle that isn't easy or isn't possible to life in a conventional context.

There is a great deal of variety in intentional communities, and there is very little one can say about them definitively. Some share all money and possessions; others are made up of people who have their own houses and money and lifestyles, but perhaps share childcare or meals. Some are based on religious convictions, and some aren't. Some are anti-technology; others are full of computer enthusiasts.

Is an intentional community the same thing as a commune?

Not really. Communes are intentional communities, but many, many intentional communities do not include any kind of property sharing or other commune-style values. If the idea of an intentional community interests you, but you're concerned about giving up your money, your privacy, or your job, there are still many options, including some of the more unusual community options, like ours, and Co-Housing.

How do I find out more about intentional communities?

You'll find a wide variety of resources on the Web. Check out my Intentional Communities Link Page to find them.

What about your plans for an intentional community?

Please check out my Vermont Intentional Community Project page to find out more about the project. We're actively looking for like-minded collaborators who can participate equally to plan out the community, as well as people who just want to be kept "in the loop".

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