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    Support your local organic market farmer, buy products with
 Sustainably Grown, Natural, Ecological or Biointensive labelling
   http://sunsite.unc.edu/london/vfm/   VIRTUAL FARMERS' MARKET
           http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
          london@sunSITE.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net
Title: links
  • Station de Phytopathologie de GEMBLOUX Sauvegarde d'espèces anciennes.

  •  Centre d'essais pour la Production Fruitière - Pays de herve -

  • Cerexhe-Heuseux.

    Centre d'Essais pour la Production Fruitière au Pays de Herve
    Specialises in collecting old apple and pear varieties..

    Station de Phytopathologie
    Chemin de Liroux, B-5800 Gembloux
    Trials rediscovered or previously unknown varieties, selling those of proven merit.

    Vrij Tuinbouwinstituut
    Collection open to the public.

    De Nationale Boomgaardenstichting
    Postbus 49, B-3500 Hasselt.
    The Belgian National Orchard Foundation. Maintains several orchards around Belgium which are open to members. Publishes a quarterly newsletter - Pomologia (Boschelstraat 21, B-3724 Kortessem, Belgium); organises lectures, visits, courses, and an Autumn show during which a large range of fruits are on sale.