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Eurpean Cider or Apple Organisations


    Support your local organic market farmer, buy products with
 Sustainably Grown, Natural, Ecological or Biointensive labelling
   http://sunsite.unc.edu/london/vfm/   VIRTUAL FARMERS' MARKET
           http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
          london@sunSITE.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net
Title: Eur†pean Cider or Apple Organisations


PGR IN DEUTSCHLAND : ressources génétiques de certains fruits et légumes et autres plantes.
IGR : genetic ressources
International Bambara Groundnut Database, Germany

Unsere Apfel
Die apfel news
Apfelwein universum

Institute fur Obstau
D-O 8057 Dresden Pillnitz, Pillnitzer Platz 2. (Director Prof. M.Fischer).
Fruit collection.

Prüfstation Wurzen des Bundessortenamtes
D-O 7250 Wurzen, Torgauer Strasse 100. (Director G. Wildenhain).
Fruit collection.

Pomologen - Verein e V
Chairman Gert Müller, Gothel 2, D-2847 Eydelstedt.
Has a collection of over 300 apple varieties. Aims to conserve old varieties of Germany and neigbouring countries. Issues a newsletter and a year book.