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homesteading school

I'm Director of Liberty School--A Democratic Learning Community in Blue Hill,
Maine.  We are grades 9-12 and are starting a 13th year called Homesteading and Community.  I ran a homesteading school in Pennyslvania in 1979-82 but
since we were 8 miles from Three Mile Island, it was hard to keep it going. It was called Deep Run School of Homesteading and was part of the School of Living.
We plan to have the homesteading school on a 40 acre organic farm and 
we have an experienced and successful homesteading couple who will lead the 
school.    We are planning to charge between $6000 and $8000  a year which includes room and board and the education.  Students will also receive college
credit for the experience.   It is open to students out of high school or people of
any age who want to make the transition from mainstream America to a more
self-sufficient life-style but want the opportunity to learn and try it.

We plan to start with 8 to 10 students.  The couple who will be leading the
school would like to get a sense of how much interest there would be in such a school.   Any ideas of who to contact, or how to survey interest.  What do you
think.  I believe there is a lot of interest, but I would like more concrete evidence. I tried to get on your list serve but for some reason was unsuccessful.
Arnold Greenberg  grnbrg@downeast.net