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FW: Permaculture Apprenticeships?

-----Original Message-----
From: David Klingenberger [mailto:davekling@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 1998 8:48
To: askpv@ozemail.com.au
Subject: Permaculture Apprenticeships?

     Hello!  My name is David Klingenberger, and I am from Ann Arbor, 
Michigan, U.S.A.  I want to learn Permaculture, and I was wondering if  
any permaculture apprenticeships were offered in Australia or New 
Zealand or anywhere for that matter.  I know there are Permaculture 
design courses, but I am very interested in an intensive apprenticeship.  
I first learned of Permaculture while part of the WWOOF program (willing 
workers on organic farms)  If it would'nt be to much trouble, I would 
love to hear back about this!  Thank you for your time,

                                   David Saturn Klingenberger

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