Re: Corporations protecting the environment

Tom Abeles (
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 07:45:41 -0400 (EDT)

Richard, it would be helpful if you, too, could provide references which
are contemporary and not historical in nature, and to define what you mean
by corporate farms. We can all supply anctedotal informations on bad
coprorate practices as we can cite numerous instances of individual
farmers applying the same practices. It would be good if you could not
only provide evidence but also to provide some statistical validation of
your thesis

tom abeles

On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Richard Sanders wrote:

> I am interested in finding positive examples of agribusiness corporations
> taking responsible action to protect the environment and the natural
> resource base of agriculture.
> Most of the evidence I have seen suggests that agribusiness corporations
> seek to minimise costs including the costs of sustaining the resource base.
> For example, in contract farming corporations appear not to be concerned
> if individual farms are degraded in the process of meeting contractual
> obligations as there are always other farms to move onto, either in the
> country of their operations or in other countries.
> Therefore, I would welcome any evidence to the contrary. Journal or other
> references would be particularly helpful. Thank you.
> Richard Sanders.