Re: The Natural Rule Party???

Rob Gordon (
Thu, 10 Oct 1996 14:16:53 -0600

> From Thu Oct 10 14:14 MDT 1996
> From:
> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 96 13:18:49 cdt
> To:
> Subject: The Natural Rule Party???
> Did anyone else catch NPR this morning and their piece on third parties?
> I was driving along not paying much attention, until one presidential
> candidate, a John Hagelin of the Natural Rule Party, was listed as
> supporting sustainable agriculture!
> NPR said they're on the ballot in 45 states and have a lot of local
> candidates too. So I checked with our County Clerk and it turns out
> they're on the Missouri ballot (including a Lt. Gov, Secry of State, State
> Treasurer and as US Representative.)
> I've never heard of this party. Who are these folks?

Hegelin is a physicist. NPR had a long segment from him Tuesday (10/8)
on All Things Considered. He says government can't solve people's problem
but can provide the appropriate education to help people solve their own
problems. The segment was big on education. In fact, if I were to distill
a party catch phrase from his talk, it would be "Education, not regulation."
