Re: Campaign to Stop Pesticides

Bill Duesing (
04 Nov 96 04:37:06 EST

The rBGH is the misinformation. It answers an irrelevant question with a
dangerous substance for the benefit of an immoral organization (Monsanto).

Food and Water is an interesting and creative organization. When countering the
enormous evil and immorality of an organization such as Monsanto, creativity is
required. ( Any normal culture would have eliminated Monsanto after they filled
our rivers with PCBs. Monsanto made or licensed the manufacture of all the PCBs
ever made, which now render the fish in three great rivers near here inedible,
and may be affecting the IQs of the children we teach. In the 1930s a conference
at Harvard pointed out the problems with PCBs, but Monsanto, GE and Westinghouse
squashed criticism and went ahead spreading PCBs nearly everywhere.)

I believe the point of the zuchinni ad is that pesticides kill more poeple than
assult rifles, and yet there is all this commotion about rifles and little about