Basic cosmology

Tue, 26 Nov 96 22:49:46 EST

Dear Sanetters,
This is the basic cosmology that I use:
1]At the level of the Absolute, all is one; at sub-Absolute levels unitary
reality diverges into three distinct types: energy/matter, mind and spirit.
2]Physical systems are subordinate, mindal systems are co-ordinate and
spirit systems are super-ordinate.
3]The drama of the current universe age involves the subjugation of
energy/matter by spirit through the mediation of mind.
4]In human experience, these three primary divisions of reality are
perceivable as relational triads: Energy/matter+mind+spirit or
thing+meaning+value or science+philosophy+religion or beauty+truth+goodness.

Only by combining these various "flavours" of reality can we devleop a
holistic viewpoint. How much better it would be if we could lay our value
systems out for all to see before we begin our dissertations. As the
physicists know so well, 'objective' reality does not exist. All we really
have is a collective agreement amongst ourselves as to what is real and what
is not, what is valuable and what is valueless, what is meaningful and what
is meaningless. This collective agreement can be changed by the exercise of
human will, and our ability to choose which world we wish to perceive gives
meaning and power to the drama we have inherited/created.

I hope this is not too esoteric for this list, but I have been enjoying the
intensity and sincerity of the argument for including value systems in any
discussion of economics, politics or ecology.
Jeff Gold