Re: Bill Tucker's anti-SANET posting

Patricia Dines (
02 Dec 96 19:44:04 EST

Don -

Thanks for your thoughts to Bill Tucker, about his posting.

Another point I'd make is that Mr. Tucker talked about this list as if it were
one cohesive thing that's supposed to present some unified view that all members
are then responsible for - rather than a list being a forum for conversation
between a range of views that are fertile and stimulate creative thinking and
discussion. I find much more value in the latter viewpoint - and also find it
more consistent with the scientific method that I was taught (be open to new
information) vs. a more dictatorial view of science (hew with the existing
defined truths).

Rather than being an open-minded scientist, I see that Mr. Tucker selectively
chose certain points of view from the list that he found objectionable (when no
one asked his opnion!) - then made a slanted interpretation of the messages in
an attempt to make them more objectionable (from this point of view) - and used
that to stand on high and make his judgement on us all. T'would be only
ridiculous and laughable, except that he's not the only scientist who's traded
curiousity for being bombastic....

Well, anyway, I appreciated your attempt to discuss with him the value of a
scientist being open to new info and different points of view. Would be most
delighted (and impressed) if he were open enough to consider that input....

Regards, P. Dines

NOTE: Bill Tucker said he was leaving the SANet list, so if you wanted him to
get your original message, you probably need to send it directly to his address,
not via SANet.