Sturgeon Smith is shallow and childish.

Adam Gottschalk (
Wed, 04 Dec 1996 22:44:19 -0800

Spurgeon Smith said:
> Too bad about the way this list seems to attract prolix faddists -- there
> is lots of good stuff here, but I don't have the time to sort out the raving
> luddites.

You are the worst of the bunch. At least most of the other related
postings had something to do with reasonable discourse. You have sunk
lower than grade-school levels with your approach to communication.

I'm glad most people in the world are decent.

The sign of a feeble mind is that it resorts quickly to name-calling. In
my experience, that's also the nature of folks who either don't want
things to change or who know they're wrong.

I'm really sorry to say I probably will have to leave this list too,
just because I get enough self-centeredness, bitterness and
misunderstanding in my daily life.

Good for you, Sturgeon Smith. Get off the list. Good riddance. Oh, and
I'll look forward to running into you in person one day so I can show
you how I really feel about people who tend to make ad hominem remarks.
