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Rodale Institute Professional Training Course

Regenerative Agriculture for the 21st Century
Rodale Institute's Natural Resource Management Professional Training Series, October 28 - 31, 1997

The Rodale Institute, which for three generations has been making the vital connections between Healthy Soil, Healthy Food and Healthy People, announces the opportunity for interested individuals and institutions to participate in the first of its Natural Resource Management Training Series, Regenerative Agriculture for the 21st Century.

The purpose of this training is to familiarize emerging professionals in the fields of agriculture, international and community development, and natural resource management with concepts of regenerative agriculture technologies  that recognize the interdependency between agriculture, human health and environmental responsibility.  Recognizing that many of the solutions to the world's health problems are linked to our agricultural production and distributions systems, a new agenda for food and agricultural development is needed, one for a "greener revolution" directed at increasing the production of nutritionally adequate food supplies in ways that protect and maintain community health, socioeconomic environments, and ecological sustainability.

The focus of the seminar will be on the use of regenerative technologies for enhancing soil fertility and managing natural resources, as well as on the relationship between soil health and human health.  Utilizing the case study approach, participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and practical experience directly from the expertise of the Rodale Institute's Regenerative Agriculture Research Centers staff, including such topics as Soil Conservation from Senegal, West Africa, Community Forest Concessions, Peten, Guatemala, and Composting and Soil Health from Rodale Institute's Experimental Farm in Kutztown, PA. The seminar is designed to be participatory and will make the transition from scientific research to practical field experience.

The seminar should be particularly beneficial for NGO's , international development agencies, prospective or returned Peace Corps Volunteers, and students who plan to work in international development and project management.

Cost of the four day training seminar is $915.00.  Price includes registration, entrance to all workshop activities, materials, lunch each day, and reception.

For more information on the training seminar and how to register, please contact Jane Fisher at 

Rodale Institute
611 Siegfriedale Road
Kutztown, PA 19530
Phone: (610) 683-1428
Fax: (610) 683-8548
Email: jfishe@rodaleinst.org