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Colorado Organic Farm Apprenticeship

Our two apprentices have recently been forced to leave us. One apprentice
experienced severe allergy attacks whenever she went outside. The other
lost a close family member and rushed home to help out. We could use some
helping hands and feel we have alot to offer someone seeking to enter the
small scale farming profession.

Pachamama Organic Farm is a 38 acre farm located 10 miles north of Boulder,
Colorado. We're growing 3 acres of mixed vegetables. Marketing is via a
small CSA subscription service and the Boulder Farmers Market. This is our
first year at this location, we're having a great time and the produce is
looking beautiful. We have a snowmelt fed pond that we irrigate from and
swim in at least 3 times per day. We have chickens and are purchasing two
llamas soon.

We are a close family of two adults, a 9 year old boy, 3 year old girl and
many assorted pets.

Applicants need to be physically fit, dependable, personable, clean,
non-smoking, have some savings for spending money and be able to
communicate their wants and needs directly.

Apprentices live in an older, small farm house adjacent to ours that has
electricity and heat, no water. Showers and bath are at our place. In
addition, we offer three meals a day of the finest organic food we can

If this sounds like just what you're looking for give us a call at (303)
776-1924. It could be a life changing experience; it won't be easy.

Ewell and Lauren Culbertson