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Re: Marketing slogans and campaigns Info please

> Marketing slogans and campaigns Info please
> 11. June 1997 00:06

> We are looking for catchy marketing slogans or marketing campaigns which
have been used to promote farmers' markets.  Does anyone know of any that
we can use?

German organic farmers tend to improve their marketing by fairs and
Catchy slogans often loose their appeal when being translated, so i prefer
to contribute something more practical.
As organic food is mainly sold and consumed regionally, directly selling
farmers join and publish maps with integrated logos, addresses and pics of
their farms. The maps are sponsored by retailers, organic food shops,
restaurants, consumers coop´s or others, so that the interested "user has
an quick overview of the entire "alternative structure" of his
district/region. It is smart to include a "regular event list" for
markets and temp.open coop shops.
Also "bring-in" services offering organic food abos become more important.
One logo of such a service shows a funny cangoroo (?) carrying a box with

alfons Deitermann

ad@agrar.de                a.deitermann@link-goe.de
EnviroMarketWatch Europe: HTTP://WWW.AGRAR.DE/MW/