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Offering Co-op Grown Certified Organic Sesame Seed to Other Co-ops

A farmers' cooperative in Oaxaca, Mexico has asked us to help them
develop a market for the certified organic sesame seed grown by their
members, 100+ tons of which are available immediately.  In line with our
own policies and preferences, I suggested that the product be offered
directly to consumer, worker or housing cooperatives, rather than
commercial distributors.

I would very much appreciate being provided with a list of consumer
cooperatives that may handle or worker cooperatives that may use organic
sesame, or being contacted by any interested representative of one,
since the time to plant has again arrived and the harvested crop must
now be sold so that the members current production costs can be met on

The sesame available is whole (undehulled) and therefore may be of
greater interest to European groups, given that the whole seed is more
commonly traded on the European market, whereas the opposite is
generally true in the U.S. and Canada.

Thank you for your attention.


Douglas M. Hinds, Director General
Centro para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Rural A.C. (CeDeCoR)
(Center for Community and Rural Development) - (non profit)
Petronilo Lopez No. 73 (Street Address)
Apdo. Postal No. 61 (Mailing Address)
Cd. Guzman, Jalisco 49000 MEXICO
U.S. Fax Mailbox:  1 630 300 0555 (e-mail linked)
Tel. & Fax:  011 523 413 5222 (not functioning properly)
Tel. & Fax:  011 523 412 6308 (direct)
e-mail: cedecor@ipnet.com.mx, dmhinds@acnet.net, dhinds@.ucol.mx