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Fwd: Organic Grapes info needed

This message was received and forwarded by Multinational Exchange for 
sustainable Agriculture (MESA)----Can anyone out there help?? 

Subject:     Organic Grapes
Sent:        8/26/97 9:09 AM
Received:    8/27/97 8:29 AM
From:        Dina Shomer, dashmm@trendline.co.il

I am an organic farmer in Israel who is about to plant a vineyard.
Organic grapes mainly for eating (not wine making)

I would be grateful if you could send me names of organic farmers who 
grow grapes, or any other information you think would be helpful for me.

Thank you very much  Dina Shomer
e-mail dashmm@trendline.co.il

Kefar Uriyya 35
D.N. Shimshon
99735, ISRAEL