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AGROVIDEO '97: Conference in Cuba

/* Written 10:10 AM  Sep  4, 1997 by foodfirst in igc:dev.foodfirst */
/* ---------- "AGROVIDEO '97 Conference in Cuba" ---------- */
AGROVIDEO '97 -- IX International Video Exposition on Agriculture, 
Animal Husbandry, Agroforestry, and Environmental Protection

Central Theme: Urban Agriculture

October 13 - 17, 1997 in Cuba

The Cuban Ministry of Agriculture and the US Food and Agriculture 
Organization invite all involved in the production of videos to attend 
the IX International Video Exposition on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, 
Agroforestry, and Environmental Protection, AGROVIDEO '97.

Objectives: To promote the utilization of cultivable, unused urban land 
in order to increase organoponics and small gardens geared towards the 
production of traditional and typical foods while minimizing the use of 
resources in order to acheive these objectivers.  Also to emphasize the 
role of the agricultural worker and his methods of production, 
traditions, and the emphasize the development and constant betterment 
of rural community life.

Registration Fees: US$60.00 for delegates; US$50.00 for observers and 

An optional tourist package of seven nights and eight days includes: 
registration fees, double-occupancy hotel arrangements, breakfast and 
dinner, transportation between the hotel and the airport, special 
events, and awards and closure ceremonies. Cost of the package: 
US$370.00 (delegates and observers) or US$360.00 (companions).

For more information, contact the CUBATUR agency in your country or 
write to the following address:

Edif. MINAG, piso 2
Conill y Ave. Carlos M. de Cespedes, Plaza
Ciudad de la Habana 10600