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Re: comments on UDSA/NOP cost and benefits to organic farmers and handlers


Here is one way to look at your question: << what can I do to make sure
that the grains, beans, and produce that I buy, are free from
intentionally used manmade chemicals>>:

You can *give up* your own power to seek out such foods for yourself, by
depending on third-party agencies, which may be competent [or not], which
may uphold standards you you yourself would devise [or not], standards
which may very soon be co-opted by the agribiz powers-that-be. 
You can seek out the food, grown by people you can trust, via CSA, or
farmers' markets, or just plain legwork.  

For example, I have located unimpeachable sources for grains, raisins,
lemons, avocados, persimmons, teas, coffee, bread.  Fresh vegetables I
grow for myself, and others. 

Woody Wodraska--Seeking Common Ground CSA
Honeoye Falls, NY          woodyw@juno.com
"The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land." -A. Lincoln
On Sun, 05 Oct 1997 10:20:01 -0500 "Susan K. Snow" <sksnow@1stnet.com>
>As an consumer of certified organic foods, what can I do to make sure
>that the grains, beans, and produce that I buy, are free from
>intentionally used manmade chemicals without the cost being passed on 
>the small grower, like yourself?
>Susan Snow
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