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Re: A Suggestion

Charles Benbrook wrote:
>         Interest among a few members of the list on issues arising from
> organic certification and the forthcoming regulations has blossomed to a
> point where it may be time for them to take the discussion to another list,
> more focused and dedicated to that topic... I would surely enjoy
> participating in the dialogue.

> lets do a poll.  I would love to see at least HALF of the 700-800? people
> who receive Sanet to weigh in with, if nothing else, a short message, with
> subject line: "Re More Debate Orgo Certification".
>         In your message, say whatever you wish, but at a minimum, please
> post --
> "Let the debate go on!" or
> "Enough for now."
Debate is not what's needed.  What's needed is for like minded people to
get together so that a position paper can be drawn up, a plan of attack
/ strategy agreed on and responsibilities for follow up delegated or
voluntarily divided.  

My own point of view is that certification should NOT be mandatory and
that the words "organic" and natural SHOULD be subject to a legal
definition on the national (& international) level but NOT restricted to
certified organic products.  In other words:  As I see it, organic is
organic in principle, and not because a bureaucracy says it is, while
CERTIFIED organic represents another level that may or may not be
appropriate, depending on the needs and choices of the market itself. A
grower may or may not need it to sell, just as a buyer may or may not be
willing to pay for it.  If non organic products are sold as organic,
this is fraud and once proven, penalties can be applied.  

Any more than that is not only overkill, it's inefficient,
unjustifiable, unconstitutional meddling that is already beginning to
generate more injustice than it is designed to prevent, along with a
supercilious, nit picking, parasitic class that knows more about
squeezing personal benefit out of the situation than they do about
healthy food or healthy anything.  Once again - there's nothing wrong
with certification, it's MANDATORY certification and appropriation of
the words organic and natural that's out of line and unless this flaw in
the law is reversed through organized action by concerned and morally
literate parties, a lot of innocent people are going to suffer

I've trying to incite Sal to take the fight to court, but the battle
really belongs to everybody capable of understanding the issue.


Douglas M. Hinds, Director General
Centro para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Rural A.C. (CeDeCoR)
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