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Re: CSA discussion group, anyone?

The Prairienet ListProcessor (listproc@prairienet.org)

To subscribe send email to listproc@prairienet.org

Inthe body of your message type:

subscribe csa-l <put your real name here & don't include the >'s]

To post messages to the list send them to csa-l@prairienet.org

Only subscribers can post to the list;  you'll need to post using
the email ID that you subscribed with.

The list's owners are xx206@prairienet.org and milstein@pipeline.com 
You should contact them if there are any problems.

Please do not send requests to this list; instead direct them to:

To get more information on how to use this service, please send 
the command HELP in a line by itself in a mail message to

To signoff from the list, send email to listproc@prairienet.org with the
following request:

signoff CSA-L
unsubscribe CSA-L
