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Exxon's notion of rationality

Howdy, all--

Thought this might interest those of you who see sustainable ag as
related to the global petro economy and environmental issues.  :^)


"Exxon Urges Developing Nations to Shun Environmental Curbs 
Hindering Growth."  Wall Street Journal, 14 October 97, A17. 

               Lee R. Raymond, chairman of Exxon Corp., addressed the
               15th World Petroleum Congress and urged developing
               nations to avoid environmentalism if they want to
               attract multinational investment. Raymond said
               developing nations need "`rational'" standards, not
               standards based on the assumption that the climate is
               warming. He said if strict standards are adopted at the
               global warming conference in Kyoto, Japan, in December,
               energy might be rationed. He also encouraged developing
               nations to offer tax concessions to large corporations.

This item came across the WISC-ECO list server.

Food for thought:  if a meteorologist, an economist, and an oil
company chairman were predicting your future, who'd you believe?
Just wondering.  

I also note this idea of "shunning" "curbs" that "hinder."  I guess
WSJ isn't hiring bears to write headlines these days. 

Finally, I especially note Chairman Raymond's appeal to the fear of
rationing energy.  Not only the barely veiled, threatening 
paternalism of it (considering who he is), but the notion that energy 
is unlimited, and any limits must be bad.

I ration my own energy every single day.  Restore it at night, too.
Am I missing out on something?  

Yours in praise of bodies and their limits as we move into the dark 
time of the year in Wisconsin.


Michele Gale-Sinex, communications manager
Center for Integrated Ag Systems 
UW-Madison College of Ag and Life Sciences
Voice: (608) 262-8018   FAX: (608) 265-3020
If you knew what life was worth, you
would look for yours on earth.  --Bob Marley

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