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Re: TH: Fledgling hometown forestry

 Post-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ----------
Hi Richard,

Thanks to you and all TH participants who have offered suggestions and
have shared information...this is a terrific resource! We are doing a
lot with a little (three small grants supported by matching
funds/in-kind donations for development of demonstration forest +
community tree planting/education efforts) and if we keep on doing a lot
with a little we will eventually get there : )

Beverly Gingg, Coordinator
Santa Margarita Community Forestry

RT Ellsberry wrote:
>  After replying to the Santa Margarita Community Foresters (Ca US)
>  tonight, it occurred that Tree-House could publish a simple public-
>  domain tree inventory database template, on Flora's website.
>  Perhaps our members could help 'sketch out' what such an object
>  might look like ...
>  ----------- + ----------- + ------------ + ----- + ------ + ------------
>  Location    | Species     | Owner        | Age   | Girth  | Informant ...
>  ----------- + ----------- + ------------ + ----- + ------ + ------------
>  1700 Elm St | Q. alba     | Anne Oakley  | 47 yr | 1.9m   | A. Oakley ...
>  1703 Elm St | M. grandifl | Maggie South | ~2 yr | 3" dia | G. Letteron
>              |             |              |       |        |           ...
>  Such an ASCII text file (whatever that means) could then be imported
>  into *any* standard software package, to be perfected over time, and
>  configured for the specialized needs of one's local environment.
>  With the proliferation of GIS technologies being applied to community
>  forestry these days (Geographic Information Systems), this kind of
>  documentation could have long-range benefits beyond what *any* of us
>  can even imagine now.  Beverly - we have to remind ourselves that all
>  funding sources must justify their expenditures.  Resources will always
>  be allocated to those projects who can best demonstrate, empirically,
>  the successes of their works, over time.
>  Richard@Flora.Com
>  -------------------------+----------------------+----------------------
>  Richard Tryzno Ellsberry | FloraList Operations | Baltimore USDA Zone 7
>  -------------------------+-( http://Flora.Com )-+----------------------
