GBlist: Temporarily sealing attic ridge and soffit vent
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 11:59:40 -0500 (EST)

Hi, I'm part of a group starting the field portion of a residential
ventilation research project in a couple weeks. We'll be using fan
pressurization methods to estimate interzonal leakages. In order to get
acceptable uncertainty in the flow measurements, I have to temporarily seal
attic vents. I'm thinking of using pre-cut blocks of packing foam to wedge
into soffit and ridge vent opening (gable end vents are pretty quick and easy
with cardboard or poly). Anyone have any suggestions for a material that is
easy to cut, easy to wedge in and pull out and that won't cut my fingers or
jamb little fibers under my nails? I recall a product I used years ago to
retrofit insulation between joists at the rim joist called ethafoam. Anyone
know if there's anything like that still out there (something a little lower
density than ethafoam would be nice). Thanks - Terry
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