Re: GBlist: Re: R-2000 type standards in U.S.

Mike O'Brien (
Mon, 17 Feb 97 11:43 PST

Hi, All--

Oh, you easterners! Are you all oblivious of what happens west of the
Hudson River? (Thinking of that New Yorker cartoon looking west from
Manahattan ;^) )

Since 1984, the Pacific Northwest has had an excellent energy-efficient
home program, Super Good Cents. The original SGC thermal envelope measures
have been adopted as code in Washington, Oregon and parts of Idaho, and all
manufactured homes in the northwest are SGC. Many of the information
materials generated by the program, including the SGC Builder's Field
Guide, are still available from the Bonneville Power Administration. The
current Guide is the fourth edition, and is full of excellent drawings of
envelope measures and ventilation systems based on years of field
experience and research. Joe Lstiburek's first Advanced Drywall Approach
houses in the US were sponsored by the SGC program; so were George Tsongas'
wall moisture studies; Steve Loken got his start doing workshops for SGC
builders, and Danny Parker once pondered basement heat loss in Montana!

Anyway, to order a copy of the SGC Builder's Field Guide, call
1-800-622-4520 and tell Sue Ludemann you'd like document BP-2651.

Happy building, Mike

>Fred wrote:
>>1. Is there an accepted standard in the U.S. similar to Ontario's R2000
>>Program for ecologically sound(er?) building practices?

O'Brien & Associates
Environmental Building Consultants
Portland General Electric Earth Smart program
Earth-Wise Builders

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