GBlist: Re: Got cut off the list

Bruce Sullivan (
Mon, 17 Feb 97 18:03:25 -0700


You were the victim of vigilant moderators who stamp out mail list

We get email errors when messages can't be delivered to an address. I try
to let the errors ride for two days. If the errors persist, I delete the
offending email address. I'll admit that I'm a bit ruthless about
deleting people from the list when I see undeliverable messages piling
up. (You would be too, if you got 20 of these errors a day.)

I'm not sure of all the conditions that could lead to these errors. One
is that your email box is full and it won't accept any new messages. That
apparently happened around Christmas when we had an epidemic of errors.
So if you anticipate that you'll be unable to pick up your mail for a
while, it would be a good idea to sign-off the list. You can always sign
on again when you return. Missed messages can be reviewd in the archives
on CREST and EBN's ebuild site.

Bruce S.
a list moderator

>I just re-subsribed to Greenbuilding.
>I had subscribed in December, and haven't gotten any mail in weeks, so
>I assume that I got zapped. I don't know if others have had this
>just wanted to alert you to it.

Bruce Sullivan Tel: 541-484-9353
Iris Communications, Inc. Fax: 541-484-1645
Web: E-mail:
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