Re: GBlist: Dustmites

Pat Ballentine (
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:41:05 +0000 wrote:
> I would like more information on controlling dustmites in bedding. Thanks.
> Glen____________
I have a good video on the subject which I like to use in my
classes in architectural studies. My students have always
responded very well. It is called, "Allergy Control begins at
Home--House Dust allergy." 35 Min.

This video covers the topic of dustmites specific to bedrooms and
advises on how to change that room to a more benign atmosphere. The
advertized encasement products provide the barrier between the sleeper
and his pillow and mattress. Weekly laundry in 140 degree water kills
mites in bed sheets and blankets. Surfaces in bedrooms should be either
wipable or washable, according to their suggestions.

It is a marketing tool for a company, but I found it worthwhile even if
they promote their own
Allergy Control Products, Inc.
96 Danbury Rd. Ridgefield, CT. 06877,-- 1-800-422-DUST. They alwo sent
me some literature and a sample of the encasement products.

Pat Ballentine



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