Re: GBlist: Relative Humidity: A lower boundary?
Sun, 2 Mar 1997 08:48:03 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 97-03-02 07:27:55 EST, you write:



There was a good article recently in Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning (a
U.S. trade magazine) on RH and lower boundaries. I believe they mentioned
45% as a boundary below which static electricity becomes a problem. It's
very much an issue here in the U.S., especially in winter where here in the
northeast we spend a lot of time below 20% RH.

I also recently saw an article (maybe right here on this thread) which
confirmed ASHRAE's 30% lower boundary, specifically regarding eye irritation
symptoms. Someone did a survey of recent literature, and 30% did turn out to
be a good number
below which a variety of eye-related symptoms cropped up (irritation,
dryness, etc.).

Ian Shapiro, PE
Taitem Engineering
Spencer, NY
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