Re: GBlist: Support EPA clean air rules

Jan D. Stensland (
Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:57:55 -0500

>The problem: Business and their representatives who are used to current less
>protective air
>quality standards are arguing loudly, forcibly, and in large numbers that
>these standards will be
>too expensive, overly burdensome to small business owners, and cause too much
>inconvenience to
>the general public. Once again, they want to wait until there even more
>scientific evidence harm
>from ozone and particulates before the government takes action. EPA responded
>by allowing
>more time for more comments from industry and the public.

"When companies fulfill their social contract with consumers, there is no
need for regulations."

Professor Raymond Coates, Winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economics

Too bad we still need them.

Jan D. Stensland
Dept. of Design &
Environmental Analysis
Cornell University
MVR E317
Ithaca, NY 14853-4401
Tel. 607.255.2168
Fax 607.255.0305

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