Re: GBlist: Dust mites - An excellent review

Hal Levin (
Sat, 15 Mar 1997 15:56:13 -0800

There is an outstanding, comprehensive review of the literature on dust
mites and moisture in the latest issue (Volume 6, Number 4, December 1996)
of the journal, Indoor Air. It is written by M. J. Cunningham of the
Building Research Association of New Zealand (email: BRANZMJC@BRANZ.ORG.NZ)
The article is titled "Controlling Dust Mites Psychrometrically - A Review
for Building Scientists."

It discusses the significant differences between the general indoor
environment and the microenvironment where mites live (bedding, carpets,
furniture) and how human metabolism (heat and moisture production) and
activities (sleeping, sitting, cooking, bathing, showering) produce local
conditions favorable to dust mite survival. It also discusses the several
stages of the dust mite life cycle and the differences in moisture
requirements among the phases that result in far greater survivability than
expected. It identifies practical control measures, what is known and what
is not known about dust mite moisture requirements, and it shows the
temperature dependency of the moisture requirements. It identifies the
important gaps in knowledge that should be filled to support development of
more effective control measures.

It is an extremely thorough and scholarly treatment, but it is accessible.
The language is purposefully not for biologists but for building scientists.
I strongly recommend it to all who are interested in controlling the rate of
asthma growth as a result of building-related exposures to dust mites (are
there any others?).

The journal, Indoor Air, is available at many university libraries, and
contact information for subscriptions is Munksgaard Press, email, in the U.S. at (617) 388 8273, fax 617 388-8274.
The journal is the only peer reviewed journal dedicated exclusively to
indoor air quality research, and has established an excellent reputation for
the quality of the work it has published. I strongly recommend it to serious
would-be "green" builders.

Hal Levin

Hal Levin <>

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