Re: GBlist: Maytag Announces High-Efficiency Clothes Washers

Alex Wilson (
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:28:06 -0500 (EST)

Our horizontal-axis washer has also been working just fine in the five or
six years we've owned it. It's a White-Westinghouse (now Frigidaire). But
it is noisy when it goes into the spin cycle. I look forward to hearing one
of the new Maytag machines. A texas company has also introduced a combined
horizintal-axis washer and condensing dryer, which I am looking into.
Whirlpool is also developing a machine that they're keeping pretty quiet

Alex Wilson
Environmental Building News

>Love it. In Europe there's really no option except "horizontal axis"
>washers. Don't think they're so enlightnened about the nomenclature,
>And I, like Etchison, have been using a Sears front loader for years
>(made by White, I think) except that, unlike Etchison, I have had very
>good reliability from the Sears unit, except that sucker sure can shake,
>rattle and roll when the load is out of balance. Not only does it use
>significantly less water than a top-loader, the resulting wash gets
>clothes markedly cleaner.
>Glad to see there will be some options to the now unavailable Sears
>machine although the reported price for the Maytag machine sounds
> - M -
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