GBlist: Bio-waste bales

Bruce Coldham (
Sat, 22 Mar 1997 15:44:31 -0500

Don Fugler wrote..
>a CMHC report has shown that
>urban waste materials (ie plastics + wooden pallets) may be ground up to
>produce "bales" with essentially the same structural and insulative
>qualities of their rural cousins, straw bales.

This seems like the act of desperation. ...
we-got-to-put-this-stuff-somewhere mentality...a houses-as-landfill
concept. Surley there is a higher-and-better use than this volume-intensive
method of aggregating crap into building elements. To my mind it lacks
elegance, and, in an urban environment where space is at a premium ( or
should be) the idea of 18" thick walls everywhere seems bizzare. What would
Bucky Fuller have said about this one? Talk about doing-less-with-more.

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