GBlist: Cracks in AAC Block

Bruce Sullivan (
Thu, 27 Mar 97 08:32:43 -0700

The following question was posed by a visitor to the Oikos web site. Has
anyone heard of this problem of AAC blocks developing cracks? This query
comes from Austrailia. Would North American or European blocks be

Thanks for your thoughts.


>I am in the process of buying a house which has been made from 250mm
>thick autoclaved aerated concrete. I have been advised by a civil
>engineer that this product tends to crack within the first few years of
>construction. Apparently, this has been the case in Australia. No one
>seems to know the cause. I am now hesitant in going ahead with the
>purchase. Could you please advise me, by way of explaining the reasons
>for such cracking. I am told that the cracking is extensive even though
>the builders have been very careful with the foundations. The foundation
>the house is a concrete slab with edge of slab insulated.

Bruce Sullivan Tel: 541-484-9353
Iris Communications, Inc. Fax: 541-484-1645
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