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GBlist: Consensus Standards / Reinventing the "Guide"

                       Terry Brennan wrote:
"Life is wonderful - so much to love, so much to despise" - Edward Abbey
                Bion sez, sometimes it's like 
            "where there is a will, there's a won't"
Hello All! 
Yesterday I, and Bill Reed, AIA, gave a presentation to a full room 
at ASES97 (except I suspect they really wanted to hear about
Pliny's infinite grid cells...) We got some interesting feedback
on where to go with a consensus standard for green building.

I have decided that if it can't happen in ASTM then let's
try to get other organizations involved.  Dru Meadows of BSR
has tentatively agreed to work with me on this concept.  Over
the summer we may be able to put together a fundable workplan
and get some kind of process going.  Obvious participants may
include (if they want to...) US GBC, Alliance to Save Energy,
Green Seal, National Renewable Energy Lab (ex. officio) EEBA,
NESEA, and some of the green building programs already out there.

I will be checking with the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) in New York about the proceedural constraints of what they
would consider "consensus."  A reference on the consensus process
is __On Conflict and Consensus__ C.T. Lawrence Butler (Food not Bombs
Pub. Cambridge, MA (617) 864-8786 )

My hope is to recharge the languishing mess left over from the
last three years and really get things done.  At some point we
will need to get NAHB to the table in some form, but I don't ever
want to be the only environmentalist in a room alone with the
dogs of status quo again.

Quo schmo, I really look forward to putting together something
better than waiting for endless research, delay, meetings, symposia,
and other professional obfuscation hurdles and landmines.

If your organization or company in the Green Building area wants
to join in this effort, please communicate directly with me
     __PLEASE __
respect the group and do not post replys to the list, unless they
are generic or of interest to everyone.

PS>> a PDF version of the illfated ASTM draft standard guide is now
available via: 


along with a copy of a conference paper on its development.  Be sure
to have installed the Adobe Acrobat reader first:


--------------- Contact Information------------------
        Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal          
  Building Environmental Science & Technology   
  P. O. Box 1007, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20773 USA
  bdhoward@ix.netcom.com <> http://nrg-builder.com
     Voice#  410-867-8000  fax#  301-889-0889
This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.