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GBlist: Solar Film for Windows

I have a client next to a very black, very hot parking lot who is being
cooked by infrared. YOu can feel the heat intensely thru his large single
layer glass windows. Suggestions and specs for shielding film to apply to
John Alderman
John H. Alderman III			Mountain Ice/AlderHood/AlderCool 

4318 Castle Gate Drive		AlderLab / AlderWatch / AlderWave 
Lithonia, GA
30058-6869                		AlderTech Consulting / Alderstore

PO Box 1685				mountain@randomc.com
Decatur, GA 30031-1685		http://www.randomc.com/~mountain/

770-985-8849 voice	     770-985-2902 fax	   770-699-1529 page
CN3634GA		     Former USN NEC 3361/4245
Former Scoutmaster 
now Asst Scoutmaster Troop 107,
founded August 1911
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