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Re: GBlist: Wetlands

Good grief.  As soon as you can show me that anything that you do on your
property has zero effect on me or my children (and the air I breathe, the
water I drink, etc) and what I may or may not want to do with my property
then fine. Until then, it is worth remembering that we all live as part of
a community, and none of us are islands.  (John Donne)

>Dear Seath,
>Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  There has to be a
>balance.  This is a blatantly Unconstitutional law and will be struck down.
>When an unelected official can tell a citizen what to do on his own property,
>something has gone very wrong.
>It just seems to me, that there can be a balance struck....which I am sure
>the Supreme Court, or revolution will some day bring.
>This is America, WE all have the right of self determination.  This means I
>have the right to do as I desire on or with my own property.   No government
>has can tell us what to do on or with what we pay for with sweat, blood, and
>our hard earned money...period end of story.
>This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org>
>Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
>For  instructions send  e-mail to  greenbuilding-request@crest.org.

Steve McGrath
McGrath Associates
Build America Radio News Magazine
(805) 544-5457

E      B   B  N N  N      The Newsletter             Brattleboro, VT 05301
EEE    BBBB   N  N N      on Environmentally         tel. 802/257-7300
E      B   B  N   NN      Responsible Design         fax  802/257-7304
EEEEE  BBBB   N    N      and Construction           http://www.ebuild.com

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org>
Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
For  instructions send  e-mail to  greenbuilding-request@crest.org.