
GBlist: A note from the moderators


Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: GBlist: A note from the moderators

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GBlist: A note from the moderators

Thanks to all for continuing to make this e-mail list an outstanding 

In an effort to limit the occassional inappropriate intrusions, we've 
decided to restrict participation to subscribers. Starting immediately, 
only registered members of the list will be allowed to post messages. 
This means that the software will refuse a message that 
appears to come from an unregistered address. By limiting access to 
registered members, we can expect some initial confusion. This may be 
especially true if you have more than one email address in your life. 

If your messages no longer get through, you may need to "subscribe" 
again. If you have trouble please contact your local e-mail system 
administrator or send a private message to one of your moderators:

    Bruce Sullivan  sullivan@oikos.com
    Nadav Malin     nadav@ebuild.com

A reminder--if you need help with unsubscribing or other technicalities, 
just follow the instructions in the footer of every message or send us a 
private message.

Thanks for bearing with us. 

Bruce & Nadav
This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org>
Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
For  instructions send  e-mail to  greenbuilding-request@crest.org.