Subject: Re: kathy jo followups From: "Kathleen J. Kramer" On 24-Feb-95 in Re: kathy jo followups user Remo writes: > >You're delusional. Again. You don't admit your frailties, you wear them >like a fuckin' badge of honor and expect us to laud you for the courage. >Instead, when people point out that we don't usually proclaim our welfare >status as a symbol of integrity, you tell them they're miserable and brutal. >Grow up. well this is as far as i got with this answer, remo. boy, it's nice to know, well i'm not going to lay you out because at one point in life, a long time ago before you got pissed at me, you were cool. so i'll just hold that. and i do admit and own my frailties and none of them every stopped me from doing anything i wanted. oh, am i bragging on myself? well i'm just sick of people ripping on me who don't possess the heart to do the same shit. yeah, you. and fuck you, being on welfare and living like i had and being where i am now is a symbol of pride to me. see, you, like everyone else still thinks i should be ashamed, and mr. grow-up-jo, i don't see anyone else doing it, you know? there are millions of people who had recieved at least food stamps at one point in their lives but they're too ashamed to admit it. my goal is to show that there is no shame. and that being able to survive the shame people like you want to inflict on is us is a fucking miracle. and you don't understand, there are so many lives withering away to nothing because these poor young women believe it, believe that they aren't worth shit. you people can't imagine how i was before. you just can't because you see me now and it wouldn't make sense. but i used to let my boyfriends pick out my clothes, i took so much shit, hell, when i was 14 i really didn't think i had the right to say 'no' to a man who was pressuring me into sex. and all that shit just weighed heavier and heavier. now remo, i now know how superior you truly are, but there are sooo many people who need what i can give them. oh fuck you i am sooooo pissed. you people who think you're so fucking smart and have me all figured out think i do this as some little trick, to get attention and that i don't give a fuck about anything. well you're wrong and you can say whatever you want but you just don't know. but the problem is you won't let me be any better than you. and calling me immature? please, i will never grow up and be miserable because the older you get the harder life presses down to make you conform, self-control self-control and it's just this misery because the whole time you're fighting what you really are. and that message had nothing to do with welfare except i was going to speak at a big conference. i never had to mention, publically, that i was on welfare. but i'm so sick of how brutal people are about it. so i'm willing to put myself out there. you don't know, oh yes you do, the abuse i take. you people act like that never phases me just because it doesn't stop me, man. and who fucking cares what an faq is, the articles i posted (and i posted all the lyrics, too) had all the most frequently asked questions, answered in it, remo. what the fuck. what's funny is that i did present a *real* faq even before that asshole gave me grief. so remo, seems like you've been on the net too fucking long.