WELCOME TO REC.ARTS.COMICS (part 1 of 10: introduction) written by lots of different people
edited by Paul A. Estin 1990-1993
Tom Galloway 1993-present

[last update: 7/24/95]

Welcome to the rec.arts.comics hierarchy, or as we tend to call it, rac. If you're new to Usenet, you probably aren't aware of the many customs that the net and the rec.arts.comics.* hierarchy have developed over many years. It's important that you become aware of them though, thus these postings.

Breaking these customs won't cost you anything but the most important thing you've got on the net: your credibility. It's assumed that you're reading and posting to newsgroups to communicate with other people, and violating these customs will tend to make most people take your posts less seriously, or even start to ignore them all together. Which isn't much help in your attempts to communicate with others.

This monthly posting, provided to help out new readers of the rec.arts.comics newsgroups, contains the following parts:

  1. where to read/post: the rec.arts.comics hierarchy and related newsgroups
  2. glossary of some common terms
  3. the FAQ: answers to frequently-asked questions
  4. netiquette guidelines for posting articles
  5. general information about Internet resources
  6. index of Internet comics resources in parts 7-10
  7. Internet comics resources A-C
  8. Internet comics resources D-M
  9. Internet comics resources N-St
  10. Internet comics resources Su-Z

Before getting specific about rec.arts.comics.*, if you are a newcomer to Usenet you should go read six posts which are found in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers. These have the Subject:s of:

Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette Rules for posting to Usenet
A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet Hints on writing style for Usenet
What is Usenet?

If not in n.a.n., these are available via FTP from rtfm.mit.edu. See part 4 for specific commands to access them, both by FTP and by email.

You should also be reading the newsgroup news.newusers.questions.

Feel free to e-mail me at tyg@hq.ileaf.com if you have any suggestions as to what should be included in this "Welcome to Rec.arts.comics" post.

  1. the rec.arts.comics hierarchy and related newsgroups

Groups described here, in order (a + before a group indicates a change in its description, a * before a group indicates a new group)


The r.a.c set of newsgroups, in general, is devoted to the discussion of comic books, graphic novels, and sequential art.

Until summer 1992, comics discussion took place in the group rec.arts.comics. This group was removed and should not be posted to. r.a.c. was replaced by more specific groups, included in the following list. The list also includes groups created after the initial reorganization.

rec.arts.comics.info: A moderated group, r.a.c.i. is intended for factual and informational postings and reasonably detailed reviews (i.e. a review consisting entirely of "I really liked/hated Suicide Squid #666" isn't going to cut it). Relatively low volume, the idea is to have a very high signal to noise ratio in its postings. Posting to this group will result in your post being emailed to the moderator, who'll decide whether to post it to the group at large. In general, turnaround time is within 24 hours, and the moderator announces on the group if he'll not be posting for any longer period. Followup discussion of posts here takes place in the appropriate r.a.c. group. The original moderator was Brian Hughes. The current moderator is "Scowling" Jim Cowling whose email address is comics-info-request@cyberstore.ca

rec.arts.comics.strips: For the discussion of comic strips and editorial cartoons, their creators, and any spinoffs such as tv, movies, collections, or merchandise.

rec.arts.comics.xbooks: For discussion of Marvel mutant books (defined as X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, Wolverine, X-Men 2099, Generation X, and any mini-series or stories in anthology titles about characters from those books). Note that xbooks has its own FAQ. This group was originally created before rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe. Due to the creation of the latter, a new group, rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks, was created so to better fit the new hierarchy. rac.xbooks will be removed from most systems in mid-September, and traffic should be moved to rac.marvel.xbooks by August 19th.

rec.arts.comics.marketplace: For the posting of For Sale and Wanted posts dealing with any aspect of comics or related merchandise. Note that marketplace has its own FAQ. One aspect of rac.mp that newcomers may find unusual is the practice of undercutting. This is when a post is followed up by another post offering the same items, but at a lower price. A November 1994 poll showed overwhelming support for this practice, as 91% of the respondants were in favor of it.

rec.arts.comics.creative: For the posting of fan fiction, such as stories of the Legion of Net.Heroes and the Net.Trenchcoat.Brigade. The group's charter states: This newsgroup is to be available for people who want to post comic-related fiction and discussions about them. Writers are encouraged to follow the existing continuity of the "universe" in which their stories take place. (Writers can have their stories take place in a "universe" that is entirely their own but this would mean that any "cross-overs" with other storylines would have to be considered "out of continuity".) This group is *not* intended as a place for posting stories using current characters from actual comic books as this would constitute trademark and possible copyright infringement.

rec.arts.comics.alternative: For discussion of alternative comics. The topic of what determines whether or not a comic is alternative is always good for long debates. For the purposes of rac.alternative, the following criteria are specified in its charter for determining whether a comic should be posted about here or in rec.arts.comics.misc: 1) Is not published by the chief imprint of the biggest mainstream companies (DC, Marvel, Image, Acclaim, Archie and Disney) or Vertigo. 2) Could not be bought at a convenience store or a newsstand. These two are required. Chief imprint allows for alternative comics published by subsidiary imprints such as Epic. e.g. Moonshadow, or Everyman, or Mr. Punch, etc. rac.alternative appropriate comics are also determined by having a majority of the following qualities: 1) Published in black and white. 2) Published in small circulations (roughly less than 10 of the index currently used by the major distributors which is posted monthly to rac.info by Matt High). 3) Published by the smaller publishers (i.e. are not delineated above) or self-published. 4) Creator owned. If a comic doesn't obviously belong in any other group, including rec.arts.comics.alternative, it should be discussed in the rac.misc group. If you can't really tell by the checklist whether a comic belongs in rac.alternative, then don't discuss it there; if you can tell, then discuss away. Please note that the snob argument of "It's too good to be mainstream, even if it doesn't fulfill the qualifications given here" is *not* an acceptable criteria for discussing a book in this group.

rec.arts.comics.dc.universe: For discussion of books and characters set in the mainstream DC Universe. While discussion of Vertigo books and characters are allowed until August 19th, you are urged to crosspost such discussion to rac.dc.vertigo, and as of August 19th posts solely about Vertigo books and characters will be off-topic here. Note that the mainstream DC Universe does not include Milestone, Paradox Press, or any of DC's licensed properties such as Babylon 5 or Star Trek. In addition, as of August 19th, discussion about the Legion of Super-Heroes becomes off-topic here and on-topic only in rac.dc.lsh. Crossposting is discouraged unless the post discusses topics relevant in several newsgroups.

rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe: For discussion of books and characters set in the mainstream Marvel Universe, with the exception of those books and characters which fall under the rac.xbooks charter. Note that this does not include licensed properties or any other books set outside the mainline Marvel universe. For the moment, Malibu books are to be discussed in rac.misc until/unless a specific merging of universes is done. It is acceptable to crosspost to rac.marvel.universe about Malibu books which guest star a Marvel Universe character. Crossposting is discouraged unless the post discusses topics relevant in several newsgroups.

rec.arts.comics.elfquest: For discussion of books and characters set in the Elfquest universe of Warp Graphics. Crossposting is discouraged unless the post discusses topics relevant in several newsgroups.

rec.arts.comics.other-media: For discussion of spinoffs of established comics characters done in media other than comics, such as television, music, animation, movies, toys, role-playing or card games, prose, etc. including proposed casting lists and the like. Note that superheroes do not equal comics; Greatest American Hero is not a suitable topic since it did not first exist as a comic prior to the tv show. Similarly, just because there is a Star Trek comic doesn't make Star Trek a suitable topic here, since Star Trek was not originally created as a comic. Crossposting between here and relevant, non-rac, groups such as rec.misc.toys, rec.arts.tv, etc. is encouraged. Crossposting to other rac groups is discouraged.

rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks: For discussion of Marvel mutant books (defined as X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, Wolverine, X-Men 2099, Generation X, and any mini-series or stories in anthology titles about characters from those books). Note that xbooks has its own FAQ.

rec.arts.comics.dc.vertigo: For discussion of books and characters published under DC's Vertigo imprint. It is acceptable to crosspost to rac.dc.universe or rac.dc.lsh about guest appearances of Vertigo characters in non-Vertigo books, or non-Vertigo characters in Vertigo books. For characters such as Zatanna and Phantom Stranger who appear roughly equally in both, use your own judgement as to whether its appropriate for each group. Crossposting is discouraged unless the post discusses topics relevant in several newsgroups.

rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh: For discussion of books and characters associated with DC's Legion of Super-Heroes team. It is acceptable to crosspost to rac.dc.universe about guest appearances of LSH characters in non-LSH books and non-LSH characters in LSH books, within reasonable definition of appearances. For example, pre-Crisis, Superboy was an active member of the LSH. Merely discussing an LSH story where Superboy was present is not sufficient to warrant crossposting as he was a regular character. Only if the post was relevant to Superboy's non-LSH activities/history would crossposting be justified. Crossposting is discouraged unless the post discusses topics relevant in several newsgroups.

rec.arts.comics.misc: If it's about comics and doesn't fit in the above groups, this is where to post it.

In general, there should be very little crossposting between the above groups. r.a.c. has taken the approach of developing a hierarchy based on carving off well defined subtopics with their own semi-defined readerships from the overall topic. In particular, all "for sale" posts should go in rec.arts.comics.marketplace, and crossposting them elsewhere is *highly* discouraged. (A number of r.a.c.ers have stated that they will ignore For Sale posts made in other groups, and it'll undoubtedly result in your getting some flaming email.) One other special note: material solely about xbooks should be posted into r.a.c.xbooks and should not be crossposted into r.a.c.misc or r.a.c.marvel.universe.

See part 3 for suggested criteria for future r.a.c.* groups.

Note that posts which have nothing to do with comics, such as non-comics-related Star Trek, political/religious rants or personal attacks, have no place in r.a.c.. In particular, regarding the Usenet Floating Homosexuality Flamewar, it is appropriate for the appearance of gays in comics to be discussed, but rants either against or in favor of homosexuality in the general sense are not appropriate.

There are several groups which are tangentially related to comics, and which may be more appropriate for a particular post. It *may* be appropriate, in limited contexts, to cross-post between one of these groups and one of the rec.arts.comics groups, but be *very* careful that your post is actually relevant to both groups!

rec.arts.manga: Though not technically part of the rec.arts.comics hierarchy (there was already one religious war on the subject; let's not repeat it), this newsgroup is devoted to the discussion of Japanese manga.

rec.arts.animation: a newsgroup devoted to the discussion of animated films, TV shows, shorts, etc. There are also innumerable related newsgroups to this, such as rec.arts.disney and alt.tv.tiny-toons, but in particular there is:

rec.arts.anime: for discussion of Japanese animation.

Finally, there are various "alt" groups which are not affiliated with "mainstreaml" Usenet and are usually received at fewer sites than r.a.c groups. User discretion is advised.

alt.comics.alternative dead, with the creation of r.a.c.alternative. Due to various factors which aren't worth going into here, the group itself is unlikely to disappear. Don't bother posting to it though. alt.comics.lnh Stories and discussion of the Legion of Net.Heroes shared universe (most stories are also posted to rec.arts.comics.creative). alt.comics.superman use r.a.c.dc.universe instead, for more dependable distribution; at the very least, crosspost alt.comics.batman use r.a.c.dc.universe instead, for more dependable distribution; at the very least, crosspost alt.comics.elfquest dead, with the creation of r.a.c.elfquest. Due to various factors which aren't worth going into here, the group itself is unlikely to disappear. Don't bother posting to it though. alt.comics.classic use r.a.c.misc or other appropriate rac group instead, for more dependable distribution; at the very least, crosspost alt.comics.peanuts use r.a.c.strips instead, for more dependable distribution; at the very least, crosspost alt.fan.albedo a furry comic alt.fan.bugtown Matt Howarth comics, such as _Those Annoying Post Brothers_ and _Savage Henry_. alt.fan.furry all furry comics + animation alt.fan.neil-gaiman fan group for Neil Gaiman, with posts refering to both his comics and non-comics work. Note: This group was created during a particular bad time for getting good propagation, so it's likely that your site may not carry this. Ask your sysadmin to pick it up if so. alt.fan.peter-david fan group for Peter David, with posts refering to both his comics and non-comics work. Peter participates in the group. Note: alt groups are being automatically picked up by fewer and fewer sites, so it's likely that your site may not carry this. Ask your sysadmin to pick it up if so. alt.fan.suicide-squid a net.character, see part 3 for details alt.fan.tank-girl the comic book "Tank Girl"

Here's a quick version of how to decide where to post something:

  1. Is it about comic strips? If Yes, post to rec.arts.comics.strips and stop.
  2. Is it a for sale or wanted post? If Yes, post to rac.marketplace and stop.
  3. Is it about non-comics spinoffs (tv, movie, book, toys, etc) from comics? If Yes, post to rac.other-media and stop.
  4. Is it about Elfquest? If Yes, post to rac.elfquest and stop.
  5. Is it about the xbooks or their featured characters? If Yes, post to rac.marvel.xbooks and stop.
  6. Is it about books or characters set in the mainstream Marvel universe? If yes, post to rac.marvel.universe and stop.
  7. Is it about books or characters published under the Vertigo imprint? If yes, post to rac.dc.vertigo and stop.
  8. Is it about books or characters associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes? If yes, post to rac.dc.lsh and stop
  9. Is it about books or characters set in the mainstream DC universe? If yes, post to rac.dc.universe and stop.
  10. Is it about books or characters who is not published by the chief imprint of DC, Marvel, Image, Acclaim, Archie and Disney and cannot be bought at a convenience store or a newsstand AND meets most of 1) black and white,
  11. sales less than 10% of top-selling comics, 3) Self-published or from publisher not listed above, 4) creator owned? If Yes, post to rac.alternative and stop.
  12. Post to rac.misc.

See the beginning of this post for when to crosspost in general, and when to crosspost to rac.info in particular, and for clarification on tricky or questionable cases.

[end of part 1: introduction] This Welcome Message/FAQ is Copyright 1991-5 by Tom Galloway, and is made available as a service to the Internet community. It may not be sold in any medium, including electronic, CD-ROM, or database, packaged with any commercial product, or published in print, without the explicit, written, permission of Tom Galloway.

"There are no net.gods, just some people with bigger mouths than others."
--Dan'l DanehyOakes, net.roach
tyg tyg@hq.ileaf.com