From What the Welsh and Chinese Have In Common

The Find

How was I to know?
The fish in their slow
turns against the current
never let on how near.
And if I had known could
it have been avoided?
The swan left as if it
were a daily occurrence,
small bits of water weed
clutching at his ankle.
A turtle, her head like
a pipe that drained
the pond, gave no sign.

That day, insects were
forgettable. Just that was
somewhat out of accord. How
could I make any connections?
Martins flew above, they seemed to
be feeding. A bass broke water.
How could I be held responsible?
Anyone could have found her.

I wanted to throw a net around
the pond. I pulled my father
from his TV. How could I explain?
Her hand full of feathers.
Her hair parted by wings.
Her song, like the sound of a small
child saying his name under water.

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Previous What the Welsh and Chinese Have In Common