Subject: glowbugs V1 #211
glowbugs         Wednesday, December 24 1997         Volume 01 : Number 211

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 15:38:47 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: Re: Stuff... (fwd) >Will get Walt's stuff up on the web page ASAP. His regenny uses a #32 tube >as the detector. In my RCA tube manual, it is listed as a Sharp Cutoff >Tetrode. As far as I can find out, there are NO other sharp-cutoff >tetrodes in any other configuration. > >So, does anyone know if it is possible to "make" a sharp-cutoff tetrode >out of a sharp-cutoff pentode by simply connecting the suppressor grid and >the screen grid together, or would that just "mess up the works"? There were a number of tetrodes, sharp- and remote-, "in the beginning", e.g. the 24. After that the RF screen-grid tubes all became pentodes until they (tetrodes) reappeared again in '60s TV tuners as RF amps. I'm guessing they were resurected because a tetrode has lower noise than a pentode (fewer elements = lower partition noise). 73, Mike, KK6GM
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 21:07:27 -0500 (EST) From: "Roberta J. Barmore" <> Subject: Season's Greetings! (some BA content anent cool tubes) Hi! Well, here it is Christmas Eve, and as I am (as ever, these days) too sleepy to head to the shack and play with high voltage, I'll use the lists to wish a happy holiday season to everyone. For all the fine old gear and parts found, history shared, questions answered and questions raised, a warm and friendly toast to each and every one of the friends gathered here! "...Questions raised," yes indeed; the thread on tubes (usually detectors) operated at less than normal heater voltage has been most interesting. I was asked about it private e-mail about the time the thread began, and hazarded it was linearization trick (the tube in that question being a diode); but the Drake 2-B does much the same thing with a multigrid tube (or so memory doth insist). So maybe it is for noise. Did anyone find a definitive reference? Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays, and the very best of New Years to all! (And will the Canadians and Brits *please* wear protective headgear on Boxing Day, and suitable gloves, too! ...It's cold out there, and an Olympic rule besides). 73, --Bobbi
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