Subject: glowbugs V1 #243
glowbugs          Thursday, February 12 1998          Volume 01 : Number 243

Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 17:12:08 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: very sorry Hi Gang sorry sorry sorry for posing false warning. Thought I was doing some good,but was very wrong. Will be much more careful in the future. Thank the good LORD for all that you have!!! 69yr old semi disabled senior !!! trying to get code speed to 13wpm (stroke got my eyesight, balance & coordination) SO ONLY BA'S NO SOLID STATE Leon (Lee) Wiltsey 4600 Lake Haven blvd Sebring fl. 33872 KF4RCL TECK+
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 23:02:54 -0800 (PST) From: Ken Gordon <> Subject: 80 meters... Sometime after I worked W0OZJ in Lead, S.Dak last night, I heard Jack, W7QQQ working him too. W0OZJ is 88. Jack was using his 813 oscillator to drive some sort of amp which he said he was running 500 watts input. Jack's signal sure sounded nice here. I didn't call him since my wife was watching a tape on the VCR and the HW-16 wipes it out. Doesn't bother the TV set: just the VCR. So what kinda amp do you use sometimes, Jack? Ken W7EKB
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:46:05 -0600 From: (Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph) Subject: [none] Am in the market for a mint or near mint, fully functional, non-modified Collins 32V3 transmitter. Please warrant condition and provide bottom line price. Also, want to purchase a mint or near mint condition, fully functional, non-modified Heath AT-1 transmitter. My wife, K5KRN, used one as her first transmitter in 1957. My desire for one is primarily nostalgic. It would be given tender, loving care forever. Rod, N5HV
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 13:00:23 -0600 (CST) From: "Est. Carlos Emilio Ruiz Llaven" <> Subject: Somebody speak spanish... hola, a todos, tengo varios diagramas para la realizacion de receptores y tx de bulbos, pero, necesito algunos componentes espero alguien pueda ayudarme y si le interesan los diagramas se los puedo enviar con mucho gusto... espero respuesta a PDT: Excuseme my english is very very bad... sorry. :-) 73
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