Subject: glowbugs V1 #248	
glowbugs            Thursday, March 5 1998            Volume 01 : Number 248

Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 22:03:04 -0500 From: Glenn Finerman <> Subject: RE:Open up that xtal case After spending a few hours on the bench, l think I can put to rest everyone's questions about trying to open up the tiny xtal holders that contain the surplus 3579kc colorburst xtals. First of all, I have to assume we're talking about the tiny HC-18U holder which is .510 inches high by .400 inches wide. Not the large HC-6U holder. I borrowed a 100w Weller stained glass type soldering iron and went to town trying to get the solder to flow. Guess what...... there is no solder! Seems the can is either press fit or spot welded and all the heat in the world isn't going to break that seal. Out comes the Dremel with the cutoff wheel..., no problem, cut the can around the base, didn't damage the wires or the xtal, BUT... AH HA!!, the raw xtal element is attached to the lead wires with some kind of conductive paste at the edge of the xtal. As soon as you pull the holder out of the can, you can see two thin metal strips with slots that hold the raw xtal element at the edges. (the xtal is round) That conductive paste is smeared around the slots where the xtal sits. The xtal has some kind of conductive pads on both sides that extends to the edges and that's what makes contact with the paste and strips. I guess you could try and carfefully remove the xtal, do the pencil thing, place it back between the strips hoping there is enough paste left to make contact. I even tried to place the round xtal element between two plates inside an FT-243 holder.....didn't work. The "squat" HC-6U xtals I sucessfully removed the elements from were constructed just like FT-243 holders, square element between two metal plates, cover with spring to apply pressure. To conclude, I think the best approach would be to find the 3579 xtal in the larger HC-6U holder, take out the element, do the pencil trick and place the xtal inside of an FT-243 holder in place of the original element. I just checked the latest "All Electronics" catalog and they have 3579 crystals in an HC-33U holder (only 75 cents each!) which is the same size as the HC-6U but with wire leads. I'm going to order some and check it out..... 73.....................Glenn NA2DX (formerly N2BJG) - ----------------------------WANTED----------------------------------- : CW Filter for Collins 75S-3B - - - Drake 2C with 2CQ : R-648/ARR-41 Receiver ---- ART-13 xmtr : Pierce Simpson "Simba SSB" CB radio, : Browning Golden Eagle MK II : - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 19:57:28 -1000 From: Jeffrey Herman <> Subject: Looks like we're getting the 1750m band! Dust off what ever VLF gear you might have laying around! The American Radio Relay League has successfully petitioned the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in hope of gaining that agency's support for a new ham band at 160 to 190 kilohertz. The NTIA says it has no objections to United States radio amateurs being given access to this very low frequency band and will support its creation. Jeff KH2 PZ
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 22:50:32 +0100 From: "JOSE V. GAVILA (EB5AGV/EC5AAU)" <> Subject: Re: GLOWBUGS> Somebody Spanish... Hola Carlos, Yo soy de Valencia (Espan~a). Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactar conmigo. Seguro que sacaremos adelante tus proyectos :-)! Un cordial saludo. JOSE - -------------------- Hello Carlos, I'm from Valencia (Spain). If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm sure we could make your projects work :-)! Best regards. JOSE At 11:12 5/03/98 -0600, you wrote: > > Espero que todos se encuentren bien, mando este mail para saber si >hay alguien que sepa espanol, debido a que tengo varios proyectos y >circuitos para la realizacion de varios equipos Qrp, y me gustaria >intercambiarlos, ademas en mi localidad tengo problemas para localizar >bulbos y cristales... >espero respuesta... > > 73s.... > >:-) > - ----------------------------------------------- 73 EB5AGV / EC5AAU JOSE V. GAVILA Ausias March 46, 15 46910 Benetusser - VALENCIA SPAIN e-mail: &
End of glowbugs V1 #248 ***********************