From Tue Feb 16 20:48:59 1999 Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:16:00 +0000 From: Steve Diver To: Subject: Planting Your Farm's Future leaflets Introductory sustainable ag leaflets have been added to the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) web page at: ================================================ Planting Your Farm's Future - Introduction to Sustainable Ag Leaflets ================================================ Planting Your Farm's Future is a series of informational leaflets on sustainable farming topics, written by ATTRA specialists. In 1997-1998, these leaflets were part of a traveling display that focused on sustainable agriculture. The roadshow display was featured at agricultural trade shows throughout the midwest and northwest United States. Farmers raising crops and livestock by conventional production methods were the target audience. The Planting Your Farm's Future series are short, concise leaflets that grab attention. They are easy to read, they provide a quick summary, and they list a few additional resources. The titles cover a range of topics of interest to farmers, including profiles of farmers who've adapted sustainable farming methods. -------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative Beef Marketing Integrated Pest Management Field Peas & Vetch in Crop Rotations Field Peas & Lentils in Crop Rotations The Swedish Deep-Bedded System - The Future of Hog Farming? Hooped Shelters for Hog Finishing ATTRA's Guide to Learning Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture Making Better Decisions Grass-Based Dairying Livestock on Pasture - Meeting the Nutritional Needs Whole Farm Nutrient Management Farmscaping to Enhance Biological Control Alternative Crops & Value-Added Strategies Producing Specialty Commodities Facts about Organic Production & Marketing Beef Farm Sustainability Checksheet Information --------------------------------------------------------------- Farmer Profiles --------------------------------------------------------------- Tom & Irene Frantzen: Planning for a Positive Future Maria & Ron Rosmann: Forging a New Farming System George & Leona Yokiel: Optimizing Inputs & Observing Results Diane & Mike Hartman: Farming Outside the Box Terry & Janet Jacobs: A Systems Approach to Farming Ann & Bob Quinn: Improving Soils, Increasing Profits Makes Farming Fun ============================================ To Unsubscribe: Email with the command "unsubscribe sanet-mg". To Subscribe to Digest: Email with the command "subscribe sanet-mg-digest". All messages to sanet-mg are archived at: