[ Archive note: This was posted on 3-31-94 to 'wislib', a listserv for Wisconsin librarians ] **************** From: WIRCS3::RBOCHER "Robert Bocher" To: IN%"wislib@milkyway.wils.wisc.edu",RBOCHER Subject: GOBADGER is coming! Folks, We all know the advantages that gophers have brought to the Internet. Cruising through gopherspace via menus has made it easier to travel over the Internet. Yet gopher has its limitations. Even when using the bookmarks feature it can still be rather cumbersome to wade through a whole series of menus hoping you will eventually move to where you really want to be. As more gophers are linked to the Internet finding what you know is out there will become even more problematic. Even a simple Veronica search can now take a considerable amount of time and some sites are limiting access because of the demands placed on their servers. To overcome the limitations of gophers I have heard that a new gopher client called GOBADGER is being developed right here in Badgerland! GOBADGER = Graphically Oriented Binary Advanced Digitized Gopher Eating Retriever GOBADGER is supposed to be much more aggressive than any mundane gopher client you have used. It digs through meek and passive gopher servers rooting out the information we all so desperately crave. Any query coming in to a gopher server from a GOBADGER client instantly moves to the front of the que. All of a system's resources are then immediately devoted to filling the GOBADGER's request. Any pending gopher requests are unceremoniously tossed into a recyclable GOBADGER bit bucket which is appended for just such occurrences at the end of every GOBADGER selector string. (GOBADGER then digests these gopher bits and uses them in formulating the response to your request. Nothing goes to waste!). Rumor has it that the gopher development team in Minnesota is not too pleased to see their prized product being treated in such a cavalier manner. But that's their problem. Right?! Do they really expect us to endure the drudgery of plodding through menu after menu and digging in gopher burrow after burrow soiling ourselves just to sate our information desires? I don't know about you, but I say, GOBADGER! Release of a pre-alpha version is reported to be Friday April 1st, fools day.... Have a good one! ;) -- Bob ++ Bob Bocher, Wis. State Lib. (aka: Division for Library Services) ++ ++ 608-266-2127 fax 608-267-1052 Box 7841 Madison WI 53707 ++ ++ rbocher@wiscmacc.bitnet rbocher@macc.wisc.edu ++